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Freshwater/Saltwater: A Seminar on Aesthetics and Waterways - 14th Istanbul Biennial

Organized by A,T,P,  Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern University, in partnership with the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV), Freshwater: A Seminar on Aesthetics and Waterways will be an official part of the Public Programs for the 14th Istanbul Biennial.  For this two day seminar, A,T,P, invites faculty from its department and from Philosophy, Art History, and Mathematics at Northwestern as well as one faculty member from University  of Chicago's Department of Physics, to join together on September 5-6, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey to discuss fundamental aspects and patterns of creative activity in both the arts and sciences through the analysis and study of waves, links, and knots in their aesthetic, mathematic, and political manifestations with particular attention to issues concerning water.

This seminar will be free and open for enrollment for graduate students of arts and sciences from Universities in Turkey, as well for the exhibition's general public. It will be part of an ongoing collaboration between the Istanbul Biennial IKSV and various universities in Istanbul. Individual participants will deliver a paper and will take part in roundtable discussions with researchers from Turkey. Proceedings will be recorded, archived, and will be available on the website of the 14th Istanbul Biennial.