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"Traduttore, Traditore" at Gallery400

Traduttore, Traditore,

Curated by Karen Greenwalt and Katja Rivera,

brings together a group of artists

from around the world who employ processes of

translation to expose, question, and challenge global

circuits of economic and cultural capital. Emerging from

the reality that uninhibited travel, communication, and

trade are available to a privileged few, the exhibition uses

translation as a means of exploring the transformation—of

language, customs, currency, and even memory—that

occurs when people cross borders. Taken from the Italian

aphorism that roughly translates to “translator, traitor,”

the exhibition title speaks to the misunderstandings, losses,

and fragmentation that manifest during this process of

exchange. The artists address not only the difficulties but

also the productive possibilities inherent to processes of



Bani Abidi, Arturo Hernández Alcázar, Carlos Arias

Luis Camnitzer, Alejandro Cesarco, Bethany Collins

Brendan Fernandes, Dora García, Emily Jacir

Katia Kameli, Harold Mendez, Paulo Nazareth

Sherwin Ovid, Michael Rakowitz, Raqs Media Collective, 

Thamotharampillai Shanaathanan, Edra Soto, Stephanie Syjuco
