Sean Duffy,
Sean Duffy's work stems from his intrigue into the phenomenon of repetition, recycling, sampling, and the cyclical reoccurrence of trends in pop-culture and art. These intrigues support Duffy’s work that seem to ceaselessly test the line drawn between the original and the copy, between the real-deal and the knock-off, and the “sense of detachment that occurs each time something is repeated or recycled.” Recent solo exhibitions have been mounted at such venues as the Susanne Vielmetter Berlin Projects, Berlin, Germany; Luckman Fine Arts Complex, California State University, Los Angeles; California 101 Building, San Francisco; Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City, California. His work has been included in numerous group exhibitions such as: Greetings from the American Dream, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, California; Realm of the Senses, James Cohan Gallery, New York; California Biennial, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California; Black Belt, Studio Museum, Harlem; and Remix/Experimenter, Museum of Modern Art, San Salvador.