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Damir Niksic,

Damir Nikšić is also the co-founder of Maxumim art group together with Anur Hadžiomerspahić, Anela Šabić, Ajna Zlatar, Eldina Begić, Dejan Vekić, Almir Kurt, Samir Plasto, Hamdija Pašić, Rachel Rossner, Nebojša Šerić, Suzana Cerić, Alma Fazlić, Zlatan Filipović. In 1997, the group has its first exhibition Maxumim I, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, which would be followed up in 1998 with Maxumim II, and in 1999-2000 with Maximum III, at Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo; Pavarotti Music Center, Mostar; Bosnian Cultural Center, Tuzla; City Gallery, Zenica; City Gallery, Bihać. In 2011, he protested the closing of the Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina setting up daily video updates.